Where is journalism going?

Journalism has changed a lot. It used to carry a lot of prestige. To be a journalist, it was expected that the person had experience, integrity, honesty, etc. The standards have now been lowered compared to before. Nowadays, there is a negative reputation with carrying that title. If you ask a lot of people now, they will tell you that "journalism has gone to hell." There is a lot of concern that journalism has lots integrity and is now about presenting false or misleading facts to the public in order to suit their narrative or to push an agenda. One of the interesting things I've learned from one of my political science classes is that most journalists are demographically from urban areas and lean left when it comes to politics. I think people who have right leaning views will more likely be skeptical and frustrated with the way that journalism is going these days. They perceive that these journalists are biased and have an agenda when they report news and tell stories. After the internet was created, journalism has changed because it means more news outlets and alternative news sites. These sites have their own journalists and reporters. With these websites, there are less requirements and moderation on what journalists can say and who can qualify to be a journalist for them. This may be the reason for why journalism has a lower standard now than it used to. The internet has also caused the rise of clickbait headlines. Many websites get revenue the more clicks they get, so journalists will make clickbait titles to get people to click on it.


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